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Benefits Of Cherry

Benefits of Cherry

There’s a good reason why cherries are often considered the best. Despite their small size, these fruits are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

As a stone fruit, cherries have pits or seeds at their center, surrounded by a fleshy exterior that varies in color from golden yellow to deep crimson red. So, are cherries a healthy choice for your diet? Definitely! Registered dietitian Carly Sedlacek, MFN, RD, LD, highlights the numerous health benefits that cherries offer.

7 Health Benefits of Cherry

  • Fight inflammation and diseases
  • Promote more restful sleep
  • Soothe sore muscles
  • Prevent and ease arthritis pain
  • Protect your heart
  • Improve blood sugar levels
  • Pack a nutritional punch

Nutritional facts Per 100g

Calories: 97

Protein: 2 grams

Fiber: 3 grams

Potassium: 10% of the DV

Copper: 5% of the DV

Carbs: 25 grams

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamin E: 0.07 mg

Vitamin K: 2.1 µg

Vitamin C: 7 mg

Thiamin: 0.027 mg

Side-Effects of Cherry

Ayurvedic doctors sometimes don’t focus on the side effects of cherry extract because they believe in its health benefits. However, cherries can cause some problems:

  • They might worsen kidney issues in people with chronic kidney disease, potentially leading to kidney failure.
  • Cherries contain a protein that can trigger allergies in some people.

If you have any negative reactions after using cherry extract, make sure to contact your Ayurvedic doctor right away. They can help you manage any issues that arise.

Post Series: Benefits of Fruits
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