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Best Foods To Help Recover From Dengue

Dengue Fever Recovery: What To Eat And What To Avoid

Papaya leaves

Being considered as probably the most beneficial natural product, papaya helps in relieving numerous infections. The mash as well as its leaves contain many mending properties. Its leaves are not able to build the platelet check and are additionally advanced with hostile to malarial properties, making it the best home solution for battle against dengue fever and different ailments.

Coconut Water

It’s an unquestionable requirement to keep your self-hydrated. Having water for the duration of the day appears to be troublesome so fuse coconut water since its a characteristic wellspring of water stacked with basic minerals and electrolytes. Along these lines, in the event that you are stressed over what to eat in Dengue, have coconut water or water, and ensure you remain hydrated.


Oranges are plentiful in cell reinforcements and Vitamin C, orange and its juice additionally help in treating and dispensing with the dengue infection.

Read More: Benefits of Oranges

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is wealthy in supplements, for example, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, sodium, copper, and nutrients C, E, and B. Thusly, aloe vera juice has different therapeutic applications. It tends to be a superb partner in dealing with cardiovascular wellbeing and advancing platelet creation.

Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi Fruits contain great measures of nutrient A, nutrient E, alongside potassium to adjust the body’s electrolytes and restricting hypertension and hypertension. The copper in kiwifruit is particularly for the development of solid red platelets and building insusceptibility against ailment.

Vegetable Juices

Carrots, verdant greens, and cucumbers are phenomenal for restoring dengue manifestations. They contain fundamental nutrients and minerals to support the invulnerability of patients.

Herbal Tea

These aides in lessening the indications of dengue fever. Incline toward having ginger as its calming and cancer prevention agent properties help decrease the dengue fever.

Foods to Avoid in Dengue

  • Oily/Fried Food
  • Spicy Food
  • Caffeinated beverages
  • Avoid Non-vegetarian food
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