Benefits Of Corn
- On the off chance that you need to stay youthful and keep up young looks, at that point you certainly need to devour corn. It is a force to be reckoned with of cell reinforcements helpful in forestalling the maturing cycle.
- Benefits Of Corn is rich in Iron, Folic Acid, and Vitamin B6 which helps in the making of red platelets in the body.
- Including corn in your eating routine would be a smart thought for the avoidance of Anemia.
- Benefits Of Corn are an amazing wellspring of Lutein And Zeaxanthin.
- Corn assists with diminishing the danger of specific malignancies, for example, cellular breakdown in the lungs and colon disease.
- Corn oil improves the blood course in the scalp and it assists with getting more grounded hairs.
10 Health Benefits of Corn
- Corn Provides A High Amount Of Carbohydrates
- Helpful In Diabetes
- May Prevent Alzheimer’s
- Rich In Manganese
- Helps In Hemorrhoids
- Strengthens Hair Strands
- Improves Vision
- Boosts Energy
- Incredible Source Of Fiber
- Gives Essential Minerals
Read More: 10 Health Benefits of Tomatoes
Nutritional facts Per 100g
Calories: 86
Total Fat: 1.2 g
Sodium: 15 mg
Potassium: 270 mg
Carbohydrate: 19 g
Protein: 3.2 g
Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamin B-6: 5%
Vitamin C: 11%
Magnesium: 9%
Iron: 2%
Side-Effects of Corn
- Eating corn can prompt hypersensitivities and indications like rashes on the skin, expanding of the mucous layer, regurgitating, and so on.
- Corn is a staple food of numerous individuals. In the event that you devour corn in high sums, at that point you are at the danger of pellagra.
- Corn antagonistically influences individuals experiencing diabetes as it expands the glucose level in the body.
- Corn contains a high level of starch. At the point when you devour corn, it separates in the internal organ and creates a great deal of gas.
- Corn is a decent wellspring of fiber and other crucial supplements, which helps in flushing out terrible poisons from the body. Yet, an overdose of these filaments can be terrible for your stomach.
- Corn ought not to be devoured crude as it can bring about the looseness of the bowels.
Post Series: Benefits of Vegetables
- 1.Benefits Of Cucumber
- 2.Benefits Of Tomatoes
- 3.Benefits Of Corn
- 4.Benefits of Beets
- 5.Benefits of Pumpkins
- 6.Benefits of Carrot
- 7.Benefits of Mushrooms
- 8.Benefits of Cauliflowers
- 9.Benefits of Zucchini
- 10.Benefits of Onions
- 11.Benefits Of Turnips
- 12.Benefits of Fennel
- 13.Benefits Of Arugula
- 14.Benefits of Green Peas
- 15.Benefits of Sweet Potatoes
- 16.Benefits Of Parsnips
- 17.Benefits of Arrowroot